Tuesday, 22 September 2009

September Radio show - stream

Here's last week's show for streaming. Its a Bestival special - hurray! In reality, this equates to the opening track being Kraftwerk (in homage to their distinctly average outing on the main stage on Sat night), and a play for the track 'James Rowntree' gave us when we DJ'd after him - a rather nice edit/mix of Michael Jackson. Given that the track in question is one of my favourite records of all time, its a miracle that upon being presented with it, the CDR wasn't immediately used as a frisbee. It's actually a quirky, infectious take on the original. Ah, also included, there's a version of the Faze track which we opened proceedings with.

Also on the show, we debut our remix of Skinny Lister, a band who are signed to Sunday Best, the label who oversee the Bestival event.

See what you think by listening to the show on the widget here:

1 comment:

Basil said...

kraftwerk? Average? You'd just hadn't had enough K, mate.