Tuesday, 2 December 2008


The Cosmic Winter eh? It's upon us... I'd love to say that a blizzard of snow had created a psychedelic field around our internet connection that meant that we weren't able to blog.

Unfortunately, that isn't the case. We just haven't got around to posting anything...

Don't hold it against us though, there are a few bits and pieces to report. Firstly, our Dickie is over in South America, speading the message over in Argentina, and then Brazil for New Year, then somewhere else hot and glamorous... Git.

So Dan and I (Basil) are looking after things here for the time being. Don't worry Dickie, all will be safe and well when you return. We'll have the kettle on for ya.

Last weekend, we were down at fancy light-up dancefloor joint, Cube, giving the good folk of Shoreditch an education in proper dance music! Tune of the night was a slice of classic Chicago house... Sometimes you just have to go back to the beginning!

Then on Sunday it was down to the Horse and Groom for another Tropicana session. This week, we were joined by our old summertime Sunday sparring partner, James Priestly, sporting a very fine beard (no pics). And just in case we were starting to miss Dicky too much, the friendly, bespectacled Geordie, Wandy.

Next up, we have the Bad Passion party on Saturday 6th December at Cosmo Bar, which promises to be absolutely blinding, followed by a brief trip to Newcastle for Bread and Circus on Friday 12th December. After that, it's back to London Instrumental Works on December 19th, and our Christmas all-day knees-up on Sunday 21st December...

More on that to follow. Stay tuned!

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